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We are aJan and Josie, a mother-daughter team tucked in the heart of rural illinois. though we are located in rural illinois we always love photographing new places and new people. so grab a dessert and coffee (or tea in our case) and take a look around at the moments we have captured. we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home!

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Senior Sunday Tip | What to wear to your senior session

Deciding what to wear to your senior session can be overwhelming, we completely understand. Be YOU, it is the most important thing. Your outfits should be a reflection of YOU, your style and your personality!

When picking your outfits you want to be sure to bring an arrangement of styles. Think casual, something dressy, a cute tee maybe even a cute jacket. And if all else fails just bring your entire closet and we can help pick at your session. Here are a few tips are to help you while picking your outfits.

-Make sure you bring along at least 1 outfit that makes you feel AMAZING! Embrace your confidence and rock those pictures.

-Dress for the season you are taking your senior pictures in. If you have scheduled a summer session, don’t show up in fall clothing. No one wants to sweat!

– Avoid overly bright and neon colors. They will leave a color cast on your skin and no one wants that!

– Bring options! There is no such thing as too many options.

– Make sure you have the proper undergarments. If you have an off the shoulder dress, be sure you have the right bra to go with it.

-You definitely want your senior pictures to have some variety to them, so make sure you bring a mix of colors. When adding color it can be in anything, accessories, shoes or  your top.

– Layers. You can add layers with multiple shirts, jackets, cardigans, and  even scarfs depending on what season your session is. These will all add some extra visual interest, texture and also allow more posing options as well.

-Accessories can really make your images stand out. Think about things like floppy hats, jewelry, awesome shoes! This tip is a big one! A whole blog post is to come about accessories in next week’s Sunday Senior Tip!

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