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We are aJan and Josie, a mother-daughter team tucked in the heart of rural illinois. though we are located in rural illinois we always love photographing new places and new people. so grab a dessert and coffee (or tea in our case) and take a look around at the moments we have captured. we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home!

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2019 Spokesmodel Cap & Gown Session

Today is Graduation day for many of these girls and so what better way to celebrate than by sharing their cap and gown session with you all! I’m just gonna be honest and say that this session was COLD, like miserably cold. I’m talking, in the 40s, and these girls were all in dresses. They were such troopers. It was not the beautiful day that any of us envisioned but we made the best of it, and honestly being with these girls is fun no matter what the weather. They will make the best of any situation, that is just the fun, optimistic, encouraging group that they are. I could sit here and talk about these girls (and a few that aren’t pictured) for hours. They hold such a special place in my heart. They took a chance on a brand new program that we started and they were all in from the very beginning and made this year more than I could have ever imagined. Though I am SO (and I mean large emphasis on SO SO SO) sad that their year as spokesmodels is coming to an end I am also so very excited to see what the next chapter of their lives brings. They all will do great things, I have no doubt of that. So to our 2019 Spokesmodel ladies: go out there and dream big dreams! Work hard and have fun! But most of all know that we are so proud of the young ladies you are and will miss you all so very much! Happy Graduation girls! We love ya!

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