
hello there

We are aJan and Josie, a mother-daughter team tucked in the heart of rural illinois. though we are located in rural illinois we always love photographing new places and new people. so grab a dessert and coffee (or tea in our case) and take a look around at the moments we have captured. we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home!

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Zarra | Hamilton High 2019

We had the worst luck when it came to weather for Zarra’s session. Let me start by saying, we are always checking the weather for sessions just to be sure that we get the best possible outcome for our sessions (just call us part time weather girls) It had been sprinkling a little, but was supposed to clear up just in time for Zarra’s session, yay! BUT it most certainly did not! Instead it rained the ENTIRE time, and when I say the entire time I meant he entire time. We were standing in the rain while taking some of these, I wish I would have gotten some behind the scenes shots for some of these so you could see what all we went through to get these! When we finally realized that the rain was here to stay we decided to reschedule to take a few more the next day. It was time for her reschedule session and it was blue skies and completely sunny, finally!!! We starting shooting and then I kid you not 10 minutes into the session it started to downpour! Luckily the storm rolled through in about 15 minutes and we were able to finish her session and still get some great shots of this gorgeous girl!

Zarra, thank you for sticking it out through all the rain! Even though it wasn’t the ideal weather, you were a rockstar! We are so glad we were able to capture these photos for you and hope you have a fantastic senior year!

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  1. Zarra looks so pretty. She is such a sweet girl. We love her so much and are so proud of all she has accomplished.