
hello there

We are aJan and Josie, a mother-daughter team tucked in the heart of rural illinois. though we are located in rural illinois we always love photographing new places and new people. so grab a dessert and coffee (or tea in our case) and take a look around at the moments we have captured. we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home!

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Bailey | Hamilton High 2019 Senior

We had the BEST time working with Bailey for her senior photos. When we were planning her session her mom sent me an array of outfit options and I knew just then that we were going to love working with her. That was a girl after my own heart, clothes, clothes and more clothes! And of course her outfits did not disappoint, not to mention her choice of accessories and shoes! PERFECT!

It ended up being cloudy for most of Bailey’s session but that meant we got to use any location that we wanted because we didn’t have to worry about full sun, so it worked out! BUT  just at the end when we were wrapping up her session the sun peaked out and we got some dreamy evening light at the gorgeous wild flowers, it was perfect! It was like the best of both worlds! We are so excited to share some of our favorites from her senior session with you and hope you love them as much as we do! Enjoy!

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