
hello there

We are aJan and Josie, a mother-daughter team tucked in the heart of rural illinois. though we are located in rural illinois we always love photographing new places and new people. so grab a dessert and coffee (or tea in our case) and take a look around at the moments we have captured. we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home!

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Knox – New Life: Fresh 48

As many of you know we stopped offering newborn photography about a year ago. But ever since we stopped doing posed newborn photography I had been wanting to try a Fresh 48 session. For those of you that haven’t heard of a Fresh 48; it is a session done within the first 48 hours of a new baby’s life  and done in the hospital.  A much more lifestyle type session that takes place when everything is brand new… it’s perfect for remembering those first moments forever.  So cue early 2018 and both my sister-in-laws were expecting little boys and so I thought what better time to do a Fresh 48! Well when little Rhett came along I had strep and then my kiddos were sick and it was what seemed like an eternity before we were germ free and I got to meet the little cutie, so I wasn’t able to do one. But yesterday little Knox was born and I became an Auntie again(well for the 8th time actually)! And luckily we were all healthy and so I got to meet little Knox when he was just 12 hours old! So of course with his momma’s permission I brought my camera and took so many pictures. I’m sure he was ready for his Auntie to go home. 😉  He is the cutest little bundle of joy and looks so much like his big brother.  Oh and makes my “baby” seem so grown up! (cue all the momma tears)  I can’t wait for all the play dates to come and to watch this little guy grow up. We love you baby Knox and welcome to our crazy crew!

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