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We are aJan and Josie, a mother-daughter team tucked in the heart of rural illinois. though we are located in rural illinois we always love photographing new places and new people. so grab a dessert and coffee (or tea in our case) and take a look around at the moments we have captured. we are so glad you are here, make yourself at home!

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Stephanie & Aldo | Love Story

We all know the quote “Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.” right?  Well being a wedding photographer we see so many love storys and we have SO many favorites but Stephanie and Aldo’s might just be one of my new favorites.  You see as Walt, their minister, would say Stephanie went to Chili to win souls for Jesus and ended up winning herself a husband.  Several years ago Stephanie went to Chili as a missionary and while there she met Aldo and well the rest is history.  But you want to know what I really loved about their whole day, how Christ centered it was.  It was beautiful to see how Stephanie had committer her life to serving Christ and in answering that call, she met the man of her dreams. The whole day was a beautiful celebration of their love for each other. There were so many moments in the ceremony that I didn’t understand because of the second language, but I could tell from the looks on their faces that their love was deep and that their day was just perfect for the two of them.
Stephanie & Aldo: Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day, we hope you have a fantastic honeymoon!

One of my favorite parts of the day was a moment before the ceremony when they prayed together blind-folded. He prayed in Spanish, followed by her praying in English…it was just beautiful!!


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